
Let's just call it out. Right at the top. I've gained weight from 2020. To be completely transparent, most women have. We went from very busy lives, full of movement, to being stuck inside of our houses with snacks galore. To top all of that off, the world has been in shambles and I know for me, ice cream got me through watching the news stories of last year.

It's been a hard for me to look myself in the mirror or put on clothes and see how much more snug they are now then before. I have spent the majority of 2021 beating myself up over the weight gain and trying to find ways to get out of it. I hope this brings you a sense of comfort. Maybe you can give yourself some grace. I taught roughly 7-10 classes a week last year and the weight still managed to find me.

I imagine if you are reading this you can relate. What I really want you to hear is, you are completely normal. Our lives changed dramatically last year. The stress alone has allowed you to store more fat from the foods you eat then normal. Eating healthy simply was not a priority amongst fighting social justice, keeping your sanity, raising kids, keeping your job...I mean, the list goes on and on.

This isn't a "get skinny now" post. It's a "take a breath and love the body you are in" post. While it might not look the way you want it to, you aren't alone. But that body got you through one of the hardest years of your life. That body kept you healthy amongst a virus that is killing thousands. That body brought you to your yoga practice that gave your mind a sense of peace amongst the storm. So yes, weight gain has happened, but so has a lot of other great things.

One of my good friends always says "two things can co-exist". You can be upset that you gained weight and also ecstatic about what your body has done for you. Let yourself feel both. Know that this moment won't be forever and right now it is important for you to love yourself where you are today. Let everything else fall into place as it always does.