
I never thought I would be the one to LOVE a green smoothie. Just the thought of grinding up romaine lettuce did not sound appetizing. Well here I am, literally eating my words.

Ingredients :

1 Head of Romaine Lettuce

1 Bunch of Spinach

1 Bunch of Celery

Juice from 2 Lemon

3 Apples (My favorite to use is Fuji / Honeycrisp)

2 Ripe Bananas

2 Pear

*Add in you’re fave vanilla protein to help with satiation and making this a rounded morning smoothie!

Add ice and water to make the smoothie the consistency you want!

Directions :

Start with all the greens in the blender. Let them blend until smooth. Then add in lemon juice and fruits. Continue to blend until the texture is the way you like it. This recipe makes around 4 servings. I keep mine in a mason jar in the fridge. They last for up to 3-5 days and are great to help clear your skin, give you a boost of energy, and help with bloating. Enjoy!