
Short answer - YES

Long answer - Depends.

When I first started yoga, I was practicing Hatha Yoga. This was very relaxed and the poses were gentle. As I continued, I was introduced to Bikram Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, etc. I became obsessed with Vinyasa Yoga and started practicing daily. I would go to the studio every evening, practice in the heat, feel really good, and get lost in the loud music.

Then, I reached burn out. I was pushing my body too far. Yoga is meant to be a daily practice. To do that, you can't go hard every single time. Your body needs days for rest, strength, cardio and stretch. I'm a fan of letting your yoga practice be all things. Your muscles can't be challenge daily and expected to preform. Plus, for me, this brought out my competitive side where yoga became another thing on my task list to push my self.

So how do you practice yoga every day then?

Listen to your body! That's it. If it's saying slow down, pick a practice the offers a more gentle approach. Chances are, there's something the body wants to tell you that can't be heard in a practice like Vinyasa. Other times your body might have extra stress or tension and is screaming out POWER YOGA. Then listen. There is nothing better than a good sweat from a great practice.