Resolutions are tricky. For me, they end up becoming even more plans that I can't complete because life is busy. I try hard not to set them and give myself the freedom to allow whatever the New Year has in store for me.

But there is something so sexy about a good resolution, right? One that makes you feel inspired. It's like a time to restart and find the new you. After the past couple of years that we've had, a fresh start sounds pretty amazing.

Inevitably, the resolution shifts and changes. It becomes harder to reach the goals you set and even harder to stay in the moment with the guilt you are feeling. As if we didn't put enough pressure on ourselves.

You are human. You have no idea what the New Year holds for you. Making goals for what you would like to achieve is great, but you have to let yourself live. Living might look like letting go of your resolution to make room for something even better.

That guilt that you are feeling, that's apart of the old you. The one that feels like it should be punished for not doing what you set out to do. Now THAT is a part that you can let go.

Make plans and have flexibility to roll with the changes. That's how you co create with this beautiful life you have been given.