Right around September 2020 I started to realize that practicing in a studio was something that would be gone from my life for longer than I expected. I started to really miss the heat, the loud music and the smell of aromatherapy. If you feel the same, here are some of my tips for making your home practice really feel like a studio.

Tips :

*Lighting is key! I use "hue lights". You can purchase 1 lightbulb (around $40) and it will last you YEARS! With that light bulb, you can pick any color you want and put it on for your practice. My favorite is a soft purple.

*Burning incense can really set the mood for deep stretches and restorative practices. My favorite yogic fragrance is Nag Champa.

*Another great way to enhance smell is using essential oils. You can diffuse them or apply them to your wrist. I prefer the second option because then I can smell the scent every time I lift my arms, which in yoga, is A LOT.

*Use headphones to stream your videos. It makes it feel like its just you and me practicing yoga. Sometimes I'll even use my headphones for the instruction and put my playlist on bluetooth behind me. I can hear the faint sound of the music but more of the instruction.

*If you are a seasoned yogi and feel comfortable with the poses, stream the video from your computer and blast your favorite playlist on loud! Nothing like loosing yourself in the music.

*Last but not least, turn off the lights for Savasana. I know you might not want to get up at the end of class, but its so important to have that time at the end of class to reflect. Taking away light can allow you to go deeper. Give it a shot!