Triggered just from reading the words above? I get it. Buzz words like those are all over diet culture which I am not a fan of.

So why spend time writing on this topic then? I'm asked all the time about my snacks that I bring with me everywhere. Traveling from house to house to teach yoga can become very costly if you're constantly stopping by Starbucks or Chic Fil A on the way.

Here are some of my favorite snack that are easy to bring anywhere to keep you from hitting that hanger state in between meetings:

- "Perfect Bars" - These are high in calories and very dense. A great thing to keep you full for longer but not so great when you have plans to meet friends for a meal in an hour. Keep these for those days you don't have time for a meal. It is a great meal replacement!

- Matcha Green Tea Latte's - You can grab matcha powder on amazon for pretty cheap! Make sure to get the unsweetened one and make yourself a latte at home using fat free oat-milk, a little bit of honey, and a dash of cinnamon. I have been using this as my "sweet treat" after lunch on days that I need an extra boost of caffeine but don't want coffee.

- Apples with Peanut Butter and Chocolate Chips - Takes a little extra prep time, but so worth it! I make these at the beginning of the week and keep them in a Tupperware that is air tight. I love them because they include all the cravings I want - something sweet, something salty and something crunchy. I grab these on those in between when I don't have much time to eat. They are quick and the added protein from the peanut butter will help give you some extra energy.