I remember being a kid and thinking this was the best time of the year. Everything slows down, presents and cookies are all over, families are laughing, loved ones are kissing. When I was a kid, I thought this was the safest time of year. Nothing could go wrong.

As an adult, the rose colored glasses of the holidays came right off. I realized how much stress, tension, expectations, commitments, etc, surround this time of year. Families are fighting, loved ones are breaking up, people loose their patience and all hell breaks loose.

So how do you keep the holiday cheer? Here are a couple ways that have helped me.

- Start your day off with a warm beverage and no technology. Listen to the quiet of the morning, spend time in gratitude, enjoy the warmth in your body from your drink.

- On your drive, throw on a guided meditation. You don't have to be seated with your eyes closed to still get the benefits.

- Journal. When something frustrates you, go to a journal and write. Let the thoughts come out without your filter. This allows you to get out how you feels and start to process your emotions vs pushing those feelings on someone else.

- Make a go to playlist that you can put on that makes you feel the spirit of the holidays. When the stress hits, turn that on and let the cheer fill your body.