
Yes, you read that right. It's a common misconception that yoga teachers are calm, cool and collected. I often lose my cool, react out of emotion, and just start arguments because I don't feel seen. Now that you know I'm not immune to losing my temper, here are some tricks that I like to use.

- Take a Nap : The best thing I have found is sleep. Sleep offers perception. Sometimes I wake up and feel like the issue isn't an issue anymore. Other times I wake up and feel like the issue is worse than when I went to sleep. If it feels worse, that is a good sign that it's some thing worth bringing up and you will most likely have better words to describe your feelings since you spent some time with them.

- Move Your Body : Energy gets stuck in our bodies. It's why we feel so much better after working out. When you move your body, you let go of energy. The best news? It doesn't have to be an high intensity work out, any type of movement will count. My favorite is taking a walk. It helps clear my mind and get rid of excess energy.

- Meditate on It : Did you think you would get out of this entry without the word meditation? It's all the rage right now and for good reason. Even if you don't know how, there are lots of apps out there that can guide you through a mediation so all you have to do is listen. Throw on some headphones so you can tune out any noises, get comfortable, and choose to meditate. Your heart rate and breath will slow down from just 10 minutes of mediation offering you a calmer approach to the problem. Check out YoGabrielle's instagram @YoGabbyYoga for free guided 10 minute mediations. Or subscribe to YoGabrielle for meditations in other increments of time.