Sometimes we can feel the energy shift. When you have had a day or two just feeling on top of the world then BAM that same world hits you with a big curveball and everything changes. The storm cloud comes out, your inner bully starts to beat you up in your mind, every one seems to be coming at you. It's in those times that we need to reset.

Believe me, I am just as guilty of sitting with the bad feelings and staying there. Sometimes, it feels easier to let them control me vs taking control of the bad feelings. For that reason, here is my favorite way to reset that doesn't involve adding something to my to-do list.

Shower - Step into the shower and say out loud what is pulling you down. Get it out of your mind and just go off. As if you were venting to a friend. Once you have gotten the words out, close your eyes and step into the water. Allow the water to rush over your body from the crown of your head to the bottom of your feet. Choose to stay there until you feel the shift. You know the one. When the stuff that felt heavy before feels light. Then step out of the water and open your eyes. Do this as many times as need be until you feel like you can walk out of that shower and leave it behind. Energy is stronger when you connect your senses to it. With the visual of the shower, the sense of the water on your skin, and the ears hearing the words you say, this combination with help you shift out of the bad energy quicker than just taking a few deep breaths. Plus, you are going to take a shower anyway, right?