
This took me a long time to adopt. A good friend of mine spent a year trying to get me to find a quiet space that was for me in my condo. For a year I made excuses. My condo was too small, I have 2 dogs and a BF. There is no quiet space. I try to set aside time and then I get busy with work. I could go on forever. Then, when she took it a step further and told me to find a quiet space in my condo and use it for time in the morning to center myself, I thought she was crazy. Honestly, who has time to "set up there day" in the morning with quiet time? That's a cute fantasy, but it's a hard pass for me.

Now before I start hearing all of your excuses, I want you to imagine what your life would be like if you spent 10 minutes in the morning in quiet. That can be journaling in a cozy chair, meditating, enjoying your coffee on the porch, really anything that comes first in your day before you get back to the grind. I imagine this is hard for you to even think about. If you are like me, you start to think about all the things that will come in the way. Add kids on top of that and I know you are already rolling your eyes at me.

The truth that you don't want to hear is that you have time. You are choosing not to give yourself this space. You can wake up 10 minutes earlier and add it to your day. Or double up drinking your coffee while taking your quiet time. Being quiet first thing in the morning stops the hamster wheel from turning. Yes - as your day starts back up it will begin again but there won't be so much on it. Think of quiet time in the morning as your Savasana. It's in that time, at the end of a yoga class, that the thing that bothered you before your practice started, falls to the side. That zen feeling you get is because you stopped and allowed yourself to just be. Now imagine if you gave yourself that gift in the beginning of the day.

Enough of me ranting. I tried to find every reason why this would not work in my schedule. Finally, I gave it a shot. Now, it is a non negotiable for me. From someone who was so against it, I ask that you trust me. Find 1 day this week to try out quiet time. Just 10 minutes. Start your morning off in quiet and see what happens to your day.